Moroso was founded in 1952 by Agostino and Diana Moroso. In many respects, the current status of innovative and fashionable style of the Moroso company has been achieved thanks to the efforts of their daughter, Patrizia Moroso.
Before becoming creative director, Patrizia studied at art school in Bologna. However, in the late 70's, at the insistence of her parents, she decided to join the family business. Her artistic background immediately proved to be invaluable. To develop new projects, she involved not only well-known designers - such as Ron Arad, Enrico Franzolini, Marc Newson, and Patricia Urquiola to name but a few - but also young and talented designers.
At present, the company is working with 34 designers from 22 countries.
In the 90's, Moroso was the first furniture manufacturer to be awarded top ISO quality certificates and more recently, in view of the close connection between quality and impact on the environment, Moroso has decided to use "clean", non-polluting production processes, and materials that are natural or as recyclable as possible.
Feedback, design, global quality, respect for the environment: all these words are not empty rhetoric for Moroso but big and little marks of attention that are associated with every single moment of the company´s work.