Chrystiane Charles

Winner of the Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Beaux-arts gold medal, Chrystiane Charles is recognized as one of the most creative bronze artists and sculptors in lighting.

Born on August 2, 1927 in Pantin, she honed her talent with Gimont, Janniot and Saupique before joining the family business created in 1908 by Ernest Charles. She was president of Charles for nearly twenty-five years (1959-1982), during which time she safeguarded the Charles spirit as artistic director.

Her signed and numbered artistic creations draw their unique inspiration from nature, to shed a magical light on the world of plants and flowers. Whether lit or dark, her poppy seeds, lily pads, feuille d’eau, iris, ferns, coral, bamboo, water lilies, sunflowers and tropical blooms come to life through their textures and reflections. Nature in bronze. Charles has adopted a new signature: "Charles, sculptor of light." From sketch to plaster mould to the noble bronze itself, each piece reflects the workshop’s long expertise in handcrafting. Through the unique expertise of her chasers, turners and setters, Chrystiane Charles creates more than three hundred models.

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