Franca Helg

Franca Helg (1920-1989) was born in Milan and graduated in architecture from Milan Polytechnic in 1945. In 1950, she began working with Franco Albini where she later became a companion, founding the studio Albini-Helg.

This practice, later on joined by the architects Antonio Piva and Marco Albini, is concerned about architecture, urban planning and design. In 1952, they were in charge of the restoration of the S. Lorenzo, Palazzo Bianco and Rosso Museums, the city council offices and the residential and office complex of Piccapietra in Genoa. They designed La Rinascente store in Rome, five residential blocks in Milan and the thermal baths at Salsomaggiore.

Since the mid-50s, Franca Helg's professional activity encompassed the entire range of design, including furniture, objects and lighting. Helg won the Compasso d'Oro award in 1964.

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