Emiliana Martinelli was born in Lucca, Italy. She gets her diploma at Istituto Statale d’Arte, the State Institute of Art at Lucca - Division Ceramics and afterwards Industrial Design at ISIA in Florence, where she later graduates in Architecture.
She starts working for the company that her father Elio established in the 50s and she works with him (her best teacher) being responsible for design and for the production of lighting fixtures.
Nature, geometrical forms and simplicity are her sources of inspiration for design together with new technologies, new materials and the constant evolution of light sources, taking constantly in mind the energy efficiency.
During the latest years, many projects have been developed: different typologies of lamps, reading lamps, wall lamps, standing lamps, swinging lamps and technical devices.
Emiliana Martinelli is now the president of Martinelli Luce, supported by her son Marco.